There are more than 200 Factors that affect the Ranking Of Your Website or a Post in Google Search Results For the Search You Have made. These factors Directly or Indirectly Affect the Way Your Website is Performing & Ranking on A Particular Keyword or Service. This Article is All About Those Factors which You Should Follow in Terms of Getting Great Social & Google Presence.T These are among Some Top & Most Important Factor which Every Website Designer in Jalandhar, Punjab Must Know. The List Of All those Factors Are:-


200 Ranking Factors The Complete Record:

  1. Domain Age
  2. Keyword Appears in Top Level Domain
  3. Key-word As Initially Phrase in Domain
  4. Domain registration duration
  5. Keyword in Subdomain Name
  6. Domain History
  7. Exact Match Domain
  8. Public vs. Private WhoIs
  9. Penalized Who Is Owner
  10. TLD extension
  11. Title Tag Keyword
  12. Starts Title Tag with Keyword
  13. Search Term in Description Tag
  14. Key-word Appears in H1 Tag
  15. Keyword is Most Used Phrase in Document
  16. Content Duration
  17. Keyword Density
  18. Latent Semantic Indexing Key Word in Content (LSI).
  19. LSI Keywords in Title and Description Tags
  20. Page Loading Speed through HTML
  21. Duplicate Content
  22. Rel=Canonical
  23. Page Loading Velocity through Chrome
  24. Image Optimization
  25. Recency of Content Updates
  26. The magnitude of Content Updates
  27. Historical Updates Page Updates
  28. Keyword Prominence
  29. Keyword in H2, H 3 Tags
  30. Keyword Word Buy
  31. Outbound Link Quality
  32. Outbound Link Theme
  33. Grammar and Spelling
  34. Syndicated Content
  35. Reputable Supplementary Content
  36. Number of Outbound Links
  37. Multimedia
  38. Number of Internal Links Pointing to Page
  39. Quality of Internal Links Pointing to Page
  40. Broken Links
  41. Reading Level
  42. Affiliate Links
  43. HTML errors/W3C validation
  44. Page Host’s Domain Authority
  45. Page’s PageRank
  46. URL Duration
  47. URL Course :- Writing URL in Good Form
  48. Human Editors:- How many Times your page is edited
  49. Page Category
  50. WordPress Tags
  51. Keyword in URL
  52. URL String:- Easy to read: Users and search engines should be able to understand what is on each page just by looking at the URL
  53. References and Sources
  54. Bullets and Numbered Lists
  55. Priority of Page in Sitemap
  56. To Lots Of Outbound Links
  57. Quantity of Other Keywords Page Ranks For
  58. Page Age
  59. User-Friendly Layout
  60. Parked Domains
  61. Useful Content
  62. Content Provides Value and Specific Insights
  63. Contact Us Page
  64. Domain Trust/TrustRank
  65. Site Architecture
  66. Site Upgrades
  67. Number of Pages
  68. Presence of Sitemap
  69. Site Uptime
  70. Server Location
  71. SSL Certificate
  72. Terms of Service and Privacy Pages
  73. Duplicate Meta Information On-Site
  74. Breadcrumb Navigation
  75. Mobile Optimized
  76. YouTube
  77. Site Usability
  78. Use of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
  79. User reviews/Site standing
  80. Domain Age Linking
  81. Linking Root Domains Number
  82. Links from Separate IPs C-Class
  83. # of Linking Pages
  84. Alt Tag
  85. Links from .gov or . Edu Domains
  86. Authority of Linking Page
  87. Authority of Linking Domain
  88. Links From Competitors
  89. Social Shares of Referring Page
  90. Links from Bad Neighborhoods
  91. Guest Posts
  92. Links to Homepage Domain that Page Sits On
  93. Nofollow Links
  94. Diversity of Link Types
  95. “Sponsored Links” Or Other Words Around Link
  96. Contextual Links:- A contextual link is a type of link that’s usually found within the body of content and is in context with the idea surrounding the link
  97. Excessive 301 Redirects to Page
  98. Backlink Anchor Text
  99. Internal Link Anchor Text
  100. TLD Country of Referring Domain
  101. Link Location In Content
  102. Link Location on Page
  103. Linking Domain Relevancy
  104. Page Level Relevancy
  105. Text About Link Sentiment
  106. Keyword in Title
  107. Favorable Link Velocity:- A Favourable link velocity trend (FVT) means that the web has gain interest in the page or domain.
  108. Negative Link Velocity:- A very negative link velocity trend (LVT) means that the web has lost interest in the page or domain. In SEO this can often indicate that the (maybe artificial) linkbuilding was stopped or dramatically decreased – because of the cost, or risk associated with it.
  109. Links out of “Hub” Pages:- Hub pages is a great way to put up something like a little bitty web page which we most often have an information article which eventually you will either point to your web site for more info
  110. Link from Authority Sites:- Link Building From High Autrhority Sites
  111. Linked to as Wikipedia Source
  112. Co-Occurrences
  113. Backlink Age:- Age of Your Backlink
  114. Links from Actual Sites vs. Splogs:- Getting Links from Actual & Genuine Sitres not from websites specially made for backlinking.
  115. Natural Link Profile
  116. Reciprocal Links
  117. User Created Content Links
  118. Links out of 301
  119. org Microformats
  120. DMOZ Listed
  121. TrustRank of Linking Site
  122. Number of Outbound Links on Page
  123. Forum Profile Links
  124. Phrase Count of Linking Content
  125. Quality of Linking Content
  126. Sitewide Links
  127. Organic Click Through Rate for a Keyword
  128. Organic CTR for Many Key Word
  129. Bounce Price
  130. Direct Traffic
  131. Repeat Traffic
  132. Blocked Sites
  133. Chrome Bookmarks:- How Many people have saved your website.
  134. Google Toolbar Data
  135. Number of Comments on Your Post
  136. Dwell Time:- Dwell time, the length of time that a visitor spends on a page before returning to the SERPs
  137. Question Deserves Freshness
  138. User Browsing History:- How many people opened your website & how many have saved your website.
  139. User Search History:- History of a Particular User
  140. Geo-Targeting :- Targeting Only a Particular Area for SEO
  141. Protected Search
  142. Google+ Circles of Your Profile
  143. DMCA Complaints:- DMCA penalty is new signal added by Google to tackle the piracy
  144. Domain Diversity in Link Building
  145. Transactional Searches:- A transactional search query is a query that indicates an intent to complete a transaction, such as making a purchase
  146. Local Searches
  147. Google News Box :- Appering Your Site in Google News Box is Good for SEO
  148. Big Brand Preference
  149. Shopping Results
  150. Image Results
  151. Easter Egg Results :- Showing Results in Closest Keyword
  152. Single Site Results for Brands
  153. Number of Tweets
  154. of Facebook Likes
  155. Twitter Users Accounts Authority
  156. Facebook User Accounts Authority
  157. Pinterest Pins
  158. Facebook Shares
  159. Votes on Social Sharing Sites
  160. Number of Google+1’s
  161. Authority of Google+ User Accounts
  162. Google Authorship:- Obselete Now
  163. Social Signal Relevancy
  164. Site Level Social Signals
  165. Brand Name Anchor Text
  166. Branded Searches
  167. Site Has Facebook Likes and Page
  168. Twitter Profile with Followers Site
  169. Linkedin Official Company Page
  170. Employees Listed at Linkedin
  171. Social Media Accounts Legitimacy
  172. Brand Mentions on News Sites
  173. Co-Citations
  174. Number of RSS Subscribers
  175. Brick and Mortar Location With Google+ Local Listing
  176. Website is Tax Paying Business
  177. Panda Penalty
  178. Links to Bad Neighborhoods
  179. Redirects
  180. Popups or Distracting Ads
  181. Site Over-Optimization
  182. Page Over-Optimization
  183. Ads over the Fold
  184. Hiding Affiliate Links
  185. Affiliate Sites
  186. Autogenerated Content
  187. Excess PageRank Sculpting
  188. IP Address Flagged as Spam
  189. Spamming Meta Tag
  190. Unnatural Influx of All Links
  191. Penalty of Penguin
  192. Link Profile High percent of Low-Quality Links
  193. Linking Domain Relevancy
  194. Unnatural Links Warning
  195. Links in the Exact Same Class C IP
  196. “Poison” Anchor Text :- Using Anchor Text Badly
  197. Guide Penalty
  198. Selling Links


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SOURCE:- Mytasker